Changing Chicken Coops

Free Ranging and Training Chickens...

“Hi, We have had our chickens, 3, for about 3 months now and they are each laying an egg a day. We would like to get them a coop that is tighter for the winter. If we give them a new coop should we immediately take the old coop away so they must lay their eggs in the new nesting boxes or should we keep both coops until they get use to the new coop?

If we just use the new coop will they instinctively go into the new coop to lay their eggs? Thank you for all the chicken keeping information we learn from your mailings. Blessings to you.” ~ Paul and Lydia

Hi Paul and Lydia,

I would suggest that you do remove the old coop, no sense in confusing the chickens.

Also, once you put the flock into the new coop, close it up for a few days. Give them some time to understand that this is their new home. The new coop is where they need to lay their eggs and come in for the night. In this way you will prevent having to look for eggs laid under a bush or wherever they might choose to lay them.

Obviously you’ll need to provide the necessities for them ensuring that they have food and water. If the weather is warm, you might even need to go in and clean up their manure so the ammonia content doesn’t get too high.

You might need to place them on their roost that first night so that they understand where to sleep.

Ideally your new coop has windows so that your girls are not confused by sudden constant darkness within the closed coop. If there are not windows, consider using artificial light during the daytime.

Finally, if the coop is brand new, you’re all set.

However, if this is a coop that has been in use within the last few years by another flock, sanitize it well and allow it to air out thoroughly before you move your flock.

Best of luck you two and thanks for the question.

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  1. how big of area for chickens to run around in. i noticed that most of the plans for chicken coops only have a small area run. i am building a 4×12 chicken coop. the coop itself is 4 x4 above the ground. is this big enough for 6 chickens? The plans i have says 6-8 chickens. Do i need a bigger yard ?

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