The 1 Inch Long Chicken Egg

“Hello, Thank you so much for the wonderful email full of fabulous information that a City-girl turned Country-girl can appreciate! I have 10 hens each with names and

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Where Do Free Range Chickens Lay Eggs?

Hi, we purchased a few hens at 16 weeks of age. We did keep them in a penned in area. Now the hens are laying. Our questions is,

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Egg Bound Hens

“When I was a child, I seem to remember that one of our neighbor’s hens got an egg stuck and she died. I don’t remember the details, I

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Nutritional Value Of A Free Range Egg VS. Caged Hen Eggs…

“Hello, There are people out there who think a cheap egg from a factory farm is a good deal and no different nutritionally than a free range or

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Shipping Chicken Eggs Overseas…

“I thoroughly enjoy your newsletters, please keep them coming! I live in Kwa-Zulu Natal in South Africa. I keep a variety of chickens and ducks – in my

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Egg Production In Hens – Is This Normal?

“I have 7 Ameraucana girls. They are very healthy and, I think very happy. However, they are only giving me an average of 5 eggs per day. I

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Unusual Chicken Eggs – Small & Misshapen…

“We started keeping chickens about 1 year ago. We have 10 egg layers and they all seem to be doing well as we now get 7 to 10

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Holes In Chicken Eggs

“Hi, thanks for a great site! I am interested to know the reason for a hole in each egg that our hen produces daily. I am not sure

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Washing Chicken Eggs With Soap & Water…

“An article you had earlier, about not damaging a film on the egg if you want to hatch them, has caused another concern in my mind. I clean

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Is It Ok To Eat Fertile Chicken Eggs?

“Dear Duncan, Thanks you for what you do we have learned so much from you and Wendy. Like a lot of your readers we are new with chickens

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