Changing Chicken Coops

“Hi, We have had our chickens, 3, for about 3 months now and they are each laying an egg a day. We would like to get them a

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Annual Chicken Coop Cleaning…

“Dear Wendy, A few weeks ago, all of my chickens were wiped out by a pack of coyotes. There where, and still are, feathers laying all over the

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Insulating Chicken Coop Walls & Ceiling…

“Hi Wendy and Duncan, thank you so much for all the time and serious effort you put into answering questions and circulating this newsletter. We live in the

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Light Movable Chicken Coop Fence – Movable Chicken Enclosures…

“I have heard of a light moveable coop fence for giving chickens some time to forage out in the yard. We have 10 chickens. Where could we find

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What Is An “Egg Mobile”?

“I’ve heard the term “egg mobile”, could you tell me more about the concept? Sincerely” ~ Dave in Wichita, Kansas Hi Dave, Thanks for the question. I wanted

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Two Seperate Homes For Chickens?

“We moved in Dec and my husband built a new chicken pen that is safe and has a nice roof so they can be out of the rain

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Cleaning Out The Chicken Coop

“I am a first time chicken owner. I would like to know about cleaning out the chicken coop. How often do you replace the shavings and scrub out

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Cold Weather Considerations in Chicken Coop Construction and Placement

“I live in the north east U.S. and will soon be starting my first flock. I will be building my own coop and have plenty of land but

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Chicken Keeping “Basics” – Chicken Housing Part 2

In our last issue, we discussed how to build a run or yard for confined chickens and the precautions necessary to free range your flock. In this issue,

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Chicken Keeping “Basics” – Chicken Housing Part 1

In this new series, we will devote one question per issue to chicken keeping basics for those readers just starting out. We’ll start with housing for your chickens.

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