Chickens Pecking Each Other To Death

“Hi Wendy, My chickens have been pecking each other along the sides of their bodies for several months. During that time several of the chickens have had wounds

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Holes In Chicken Eggs

“Hi, thanks for a great site! I am interested to know the reason for a hole in each egg that our hen produces daily. I am not sure

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Setting Up A Chicken Hospital / Chicken Infirmary

“My mom and I are just starting to raise chickens. I’m 15 years old and I’ve always been interested in animals so I’m happy to try my hand

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How Much Room Do My Hens Need To Roam?

“I was curious how much room my hens need to roam and still be happy. I was letting them roam the entire yard but spring is near and

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Washing Chicken Eggs With Soap & Water…

“An article you had earlier, about not damaging a film on the egg if you want to hatch them, has caused another concern in my mind. I clean

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A Hen That Crows Like A Rooster?

“Hi! Love your newsletter! I have four Banty Hens and a Rooster. Mr. Ricardo crows when I cone home in the morning. Lately, Lucy, one of my hens

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