Last week we addressed a question from Royce about whether egg shape is an indication of the sex of the chick. Thanks to all of you who responded.
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Last week we addressed a question from Royce about whether egg shape is an indication of the sex of the chick. Thanks to all of you who responded.
While we’re on the subject of roosters, I thought we’d take the time to answer some quick questions you all have sent that require short answers… “Do you
“Is there a way to limit a young rooster from crowing or is there anything that you can do to “condition or train” him from excessive crowing. He
“Hi Wendy and Duncan! I have a huge rooster who insists on attacking me when I am out in the yard doing lawn care. I have never mistreated
“I have a small flock of 5 of my favorite breeds (Delaware, Amerecauna, Buff Orpington, Welsummer & Barred Rock). I ordered a Delaware Rooster in my latest chick
“I would like to know the maximum number of hens one should have in the coop per rooster. We have 62 hens and one 2-year-old rooster that is
“Can you get cockerels that are not noisy?” ~ Dominic Muddimer Dominic, that’s a great question, thanks for asking. Cockerels, or roosters, are indeed noisy. In our area,
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