Best Chicken Breed For a Novice To Keep

“I am hoping you will be able to give me some advice on which is the best type of chicken to keep as a novice. I have taken

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Choosing The Right Hens To Keep

“Hello, I’m VERY excited about your newsletter! My question is: when deciding what chickens to get for the first time, what should a person look for? There are

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Chicken Breeds for Specific Purposes

We get so many questions about breeds for specific purposes, I thought we’d take a look at that this week. Remember that age, nutrition, living conditions and individual

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The Various Breeds of Chickens

There are many different breeds you can select from when keeping chickens. What type of chickens you finally decide to keep will depend on what’s available in your

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Different Breeds of Chickens You Can Keep at Home

There are many different types and breeds of chickens (over 60 in fact). And you would certainly want to research the breed of dog you plan on buying

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