The Color Of Chicken Eggs

“We are new at the Chicken raising and I find your newsletter very helpful every week. In June we received 3 hens and they started laying for us

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Cleaning A Chicken Egg Before Incubation…

“I have always heard not to incubate eggs that still have manure on them. What is the best way to clean an egg before incubating it? Can you

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Using Artificial Light To Stimulate Egg Production…

We are absolutely flooded with questions about using artificial light to stimulate egg production in the winter. For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, this is a

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Egg Shape As Indication Of The Sex Of A Chick

Last week we addressed a question from Royce about whether egg shape is an indication of the sex of the chick. Thanks to all of you who responded.

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Feedback Re: Peeling Fresh Hard Boiled Eggs

Several of you wrote in with tips on peeling hard boiled eggs that are fresh after reading last week’s issue. Thank you all for your tips, some of

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Chicken Egg Shell Not Separating From The Egg White

“Hi there, we seem to have a problem with our eggs when they are boiled the egg shells do not separate from the egg white, so we actually

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What Are Considered Organic Chicken Eggs?

“What are considered “Organic Eggs”? I am using Layer type pellet feed at the moment, I have never used antibiotics that I know of. I have used scratch

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Soft Shelled, Misshapen Shelled, or Eggs With No Shells

“One of our three chickens has started laying eggs without a shell. They’re in the sac and rather jelly like! I thought it was just a blip, but

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Hens Laying Eggs From Their Perch

“I am writing from all the way down in New Zealand, and I’m not sure if this is a common problem or not, but two of our chickens

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Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs

“A friend of mine purchases farm fresh eggs and recently has noted what looks like specks of blood – ever so tiny – usually near the yolk of

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