How Do You Clean And Maintain A Chicken Brooder?

“I’ve just started raising chickens and I’m setting up a brooder for my first batch of chicks. How do I keep it clean and well-maintained? I want to

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How Do You Care For Orphaned Baby Chickens?

“I recently found a nest of abandoned baby chickens in my barn, and I’m not sure how to care for them. Can you provide some detailed guidance on

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How Do You Care For Newly Hatched Chickens?

“I just inherited my grandmother’s small farm, and I’m excited to start raising chickens! I’ve got my first batch of eggs in an incubator, but I’m feeling a

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Delayed Chick Hatching

“I just hatched out my first batch of eggs from an incubator. I have only had chickens for about a year, so I’ve been reading your newsletter to

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Hens Fighting Over Baby Chicks…

“I have 3 hens in various stages of motherhood. 2 have chicks already and one is setting. I am having a hard time with the hens fighting over

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Sexing Day Old Chicks…

“Can you ID the male and female chicks at birth, even as they get older I am still not sure, can you give us any guidelines?” I’d like

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Baby Chickens; Chick Care After Natural Hatchings

In the last few weeks we’ve been discussing the transition from incubator to brooding area for your newly hatched chicks. This week in our “Basics Series”, we’ll talk

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Baby Chickens; Feed & Litter Material

Last week we covered your newly hatched chick’s need for water. This week we’ll move on to their feed and litter material. A chick will instinctively peck at

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Baby Chickens; The Importance of Fresh Water

Second to heat, water is the most important thing your newly hatched chicks need and that is the topic for this week’s “Basics Series”. A few weeks ago

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Baby Chickens; Heating The Brooding Area

To quickly review from last week, a newly hatched chick is unable to maintain its body temperature. The chick is usually kept warm by its mother when she

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