The Best Way To Kill Fire Ants Around Chickens

“What is the best way to kill fire ants around chickens and chicks?” ~ Judy Goodwin Hi Judy, Thanks for the question. You might recall that we own a pest control company so this question is right up my husband’s alley. Although there are numerous all natural home remedies touted across the internet and in…

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Issues With Broody Hens

“I have a question: Not coming from a chicken oriented background, I’ve had very poor luck in getting a broody hen to keep other hens from laying in her nest, so the nesting goes on – like – forever, and I even had a banty hen starve to death while setting, trying to get the…

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At What Age Does A Hen Go Broody?

“I would like to know if there is a certain age that a hen will start setting on eggs if she is going to be a broody? What would be the youngest age that she would start setting if she were going to? Thank you for any information that you might be able to give…

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Two Seperate Homes For Chickens?

“We moved in Dec and my husband built a new chicken pen that is safe and has a nice roof so they can be out of the rain or snow. What we didn’t realize when we moved here… there are a lot of beautiful flowers and shrubs and grass. Well now when we let our…

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Feedback On Dealing With Snakes & Chickens

Feedback On Dealing With Snakes… We had some great feedback and recommendations from last week’s newsletter regarding snakes so I wanted to pass some of it along to all of you. I hope you find it helpful… “I live in rural southeastern Arizona. We have many, many snakes. Fortunately, we have had only a few…

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Keeping Chickens With Dogs

“We acquired a Blue Heeler puppy last July 2009, thinking that she would grow up with chickens and not hurt them. Now she enjoys chasing them. At nine months old, we think she killed one hen today. The head was completely bitten off. These hens are normally protected in their run, but we let the…

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Rooster Turns On His Hen & Snake Repellent…

“I always enjoy receiving and reading your weekly newsletter, so thank you very much for that. I actually have two questions. First, what would make a rooster turn on a hen? We have a mixed bagged of 14 chickens of varying ages and 2 roosters. Our older rooster has turned on an older chicken. He…

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Are Chickens Vegetarian?

“I noticed that you have stated that it is ok to give meat to chickens in this last newsletter. I have been told that you should not give chooks “meat” of any description, that they are vegetarian. Is this true please? Regards” ~ Jan Hi Jan, I’m glad you wrote. Although we don’t often think…

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