How Long Will A Chicken Stay Broody?

“I know you’ve addressed this topic before but I’d like to know how long a chicken will stay broody. I’ve got one that’s going on six weeks. There’s

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Insulating Chicken Coop Walls & Ceiling…

“Hi Wendy and Duncan, thank you so much for all the time and serious effort you put into answering questions and circulating this newsletter. We live in the

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Light Movable Chicken Coop Fence – Movable Chicken Enclosures…

“I have heard of a light moveable coop fence for giving chickens some time to forage out in the yard. We have 10 chickens. Where could we find

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What Is An “Egg Mobile”?

“I’ve heard the term “egg mobile”, could you tell me more about the concept? Sincerely” ~ Dave in Wichita, Kansas Hi Dave, Thanks for the question. I wanted

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Shipping Chicken Eggs Overseas…

“I thoroughly enjoy your newsletters, please keep them coming! I live in Kwa-Zulu Natal in South Africa. I keep a variety of chickens and ducks – in my

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Delayed Chick Hatching

“I just hatched out my first batch of eggs from an incubator. I have only had chickens for about a year, so I’ve been reading your newsletter to

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Oak Trees, Acorns, & Chickens…

“First of all I would like to say how much I like the newsletter. I look forward to receiving it. I have about eight chickens in my garden,

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Egg Production in Bantam Hens…

“I am a suburbanite and although chickens are legal I have limited space for my coop. Therefore, I am curious about bantam breeds and wonder if any have

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