Butchering A Chicken For Christmas Dinner

“With the holidays coming, we were considering butchering a chicken for our Christmas meal. We’ve never done this before but I think you have to butcher before a

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The Color Of Chicken Eggs

“We are new at the Chicken raising and I find your newsletter very helpful every week. In June we received 3 hens and they started laying for us

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Keeping Chickens In The Colder Months…

“Hi Duncan and Wendy. I have a question that I’m hoping you can answer. It’s getting very cold at night and I want to make sure my little

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Chicken Submission Behavior

“Hi, John here from South Africa. We have a mixed flock of about 180 free-range hens, and I have noticed recently what to me, is very odd behavior.

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Cleaning A Chicken Egg Before Incubation…

“I have always heard not to incubate eggs that still have manure on them. What is the best way to clean an egg before incubating it? Can you

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Using Artificial Light To Stimulate Egg Production…

We are absolutely flooded with questions about using artificial light to stimulate egg production in the winter. For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, this is a

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Egg Shape As Indication Of The Sex Of A Chick

Last week we addressed a question from Royce about whether egg shape is an indication of the sex of the chick. Thanks to all of you who responded.

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Moving a Broody Hen…

“My neighbors Barred Rock hen has taken up to laying her eggs in my barn. My neighbor has given me the hen and this week she has started

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Chicken Falls In Love With Duck…

“Has anyone ever seen a white Peking Duck in love with a Rhode Island Red Hen and she’s in love with him? I have such a pair on

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