Chickens With a Deformed Beak

“Hi There. I am a big fan of your weekly newsletter and find it very informative, keep doing what you are doing its fantastic! I have just a

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Best Chicken Breed For a Novice To Keep

“I am hoping you will be able to give me some advice on which is the best type of chicken to keep as a novice. I have taken

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Introducing Hen’s To Perches and Nesting Boxes…

“Hi there, I am having an issue with my 4 month old chickens wanting to sleep in our tree outside our deck. I have not yet made perches

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Hens Staying Out In The Rain…

“Hi Wendy, Thank you for your postings – I have learned a lot of things from them. My question, is it OK to have a hen house with

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Hens Laying Eggs From Their Perch

“I am writing from all the way down in New Zealand, and I’m not sure if this is a common problem or not, but two of our chickens

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Segregating Chickens Into Breeding Flocks

“I have a number of chicks of various breeds and various ages. It is coming close to the time when I need to segregate them into breeding flocks

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Blood Spots In Chicken Eggs

“A friend of mine purchases farm fresh eggs and recently has noted what looks like specks of blood – ever so tiny – usually near the yolk of

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Artificial Lighting To Increase Egg Production

“I’m trying to decide whether or not we want to use a 40 watt bulb inside the coop during the shorter days of fall/winter. My “chicken teacher” told

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Chickens Pooping In Nest Boxes…

“Thank you for your newsletter, it’s very helpful. I have set up three nesting boxes at the side of the chicken coop. However, my six chickens insist on

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Hens Fighting Over Baby Chicks…

“I have 3 hens in various stages of motherhood. 2 have chicks already and one is setting. I am having a hard time with the hens fighting over

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