How Often Should I Worm My Chickens?

“Could you advise me how often you should worm chickens? I have just started keeping chickens and got some worming powder from the vet and used a very

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Cold Weather Considerations in Chicken Coop Construction and Placement

“I live in the north east U.S. and will soon be starting my first flock. I will be building my own coop and have plenty of land but

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Reducing Boredem In Chickens…

“In a recent article about food wastage, the response suggested this may occur as a result of boredom among hens. How would you suggest alleviating boredom? I try

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Stopping A Hen From Going Broody

“Hi, I have a Broody Bantam Hen. She has already hatched eggs and took care of the chicks until she decided they were old enough to be on

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Introducing New Chickens To An Established Flock

“Hi, it’s Drew here. I really enjoy your articles. I have 3 black cross Rhode Island Reds, 1 Campine pure bred which does not lay any eggs and

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Wood Chips / Shavings VS. Straw

“I have recently got 3 chickens for the back garden and the man I bought them from said to use bark chips for the floor of the run,

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Chickens Roosting On The Ground

“This is my first chicken venture. I bought 10 baby chicks 2 months back. They are now in the chicken yard with a coop. I have not gotten

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Buying Fertilized Eggs, Newly Hatched Chicks or Point Of Lay Hens?

“Is it best to buy fertilized eggs, newly hatched chicks or point of lay hens? Also, is it best to buy from a local farmer or from a

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Raising Broilers & Laying Hens Together…

“Can you raise broilers and laying hens together? We haven’t kept chickens before and I want the broilers for meat but also want eggs. Some basic information on

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