Chicken Keeping Basics – The Anatomy of a Chicken Egg

In the coming weeks, we’ll be talking about hatching your eggs. Before we get to that, it’s important to understand the anatomy of an egg. It’s a little

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Introducing New Chickens Into an Existing Flock

“We have 3 chickens about 6 months old just started laying, could we introduce chicks into the same coop? Thanks.” ~ Gayle Kiernan Hi Gayle thanks for the

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Chicken Keeping “Basics” Series – Chicken Feed & Feeding

In the coming weeks we’ll be talking about hatching chicks and raising them through their first year and we will address nutrition for young birds at that time.

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Soft Shelled Chicken Eggs

“One of my chickens (we have 3) has just laid her first egg the shell is very soft what can I do to improve the egg shell.” ~

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Plants That Are Toxic To Chickens

Plants That Are Toxic To Chickens – Listed below are common plants that are known to be toxic to chickens (and most other birds). Ensure your chickens do not

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