Hatching Chicken Eggs Part 3 – Selecting, Setting & Candling

I’m excited; it’s time to set your eggs! In 21 days or so, you’ll have chicks! Prepare your incubator by heating it to the manufacturer’s recommended temperature and

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Hatching Chicken Eggs Using Incubators – Part Two

So you’ve chosen your model and you have your incubator. You’ve decided where to locate it and you’ve thoroughly cleaned it. Now is the time to make sure

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Hatching Chicken Eggs Using Incubators

This week in our “Basics” series, we’ll talk about chicken egg incubators and what type would work best for you. There are incubators available for sale that will

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Selecting & Storing Chicken Eggs For Hatching

In this issue, we’ll talk about selecting eggs to hatch, their care, handling and storage. If you will be purchasing fertile eggs, be sure to use a reputable

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