Nutritional Value Of A Free Range Egg VS. Caged Hen Eggs…

“Hello, There are people out there who think a cheap egg from a factory farm is a good deal and no different nutritionally than a free range or

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Holes In Chicken Eggs

“Hi, thanks for a great site! I am interested to know the reason for a hole in each egg that our hen produces daily. I am not sure

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The Color Of Chicken Eggs

“We are new at the Chicken raising and I find your newsletter very helpful every week. In June we received 3 hens and they started laying for us

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Chicken Egg Shell Not Separating From The Egg White

“Hi there, we seem to have a problem with our eggs when they are boiled the egg shells do not separate from the egg white, so we actually

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What Are Considered Organic Chicken Eggs?

“What are considered “Organic Eggs”? I am using Layer type pellet feed at the moment, I have never used antibiotics that I know of. I have used scratch

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Soft Shelled, Misshapen Shelled, or Eggs With No Shells

“One of our three chickens has started laying eggs without a shell. They’re in the sac and rather jelly like! I thought it was just a blip, but

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Is It Economical To Raise Chickens?

“Is it more economical to raise chickens and eat their eggs than to purchase them at the market?” ~ Mira Vosberg Mira, I’m glad you wrote but I’m

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Selecting & Storing Chicken Eggs For Hatching

In this issue, we’ll talk about selecting eggs to hatch, their care, handling and storage. If you will be purchasing fertile eggs, be sure to use a reputable

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Chicken Keeping Basics – The Anatomy of a Chicken Egg

In the coming weeks, we’ll be talking about hatching your eggs. Before we get to that, it’s important to understand the anatomy of an egg. It’s a little

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Keeping Chicken Eggs Fresh

“What is the best way of keeping the chicken eggs? Should they be kept in the fridge or not?” ~ Nikki Ward Nikki, this is a great question,

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