Keeping Chickens Off A Patio (Or Anywhere)…

“Is their any way to keep chickens off a patio without a physical barrier? My chickens always hang out on the patio and get their poop on it

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Is It Possible To Mute A Rooster?

Love reading both “worm farming secrets” and “chicken keeping secrets”. I’ll save them for a night when I have a few moments to myself and can enjoy them

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Dealing With A New Puppy And Your Chickens

“Greetings, We really enjoy your newsletter, keep them coming! We have a new batch of chicks and find ourselves the owners of a new puppy too. We never

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Random Chicken Keeping Tips From Readers

Have I told you all lately how smart you are? I get lots of tips from readers in my inbox and thought I’d take some time this week

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Changing Chicken Coops

“Hi, We have had our chickens, 3, for about 3 months now and they are each laying an egg a day. We would like to get them a

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Ear Wax In a Cockerel or Chicken

“Hi, I have a 2 year old Welsumer cockerel. Recently he has started loosing feathers either side of his neck, towards his head. On closer inspection I noticed

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The 1 Inch Long Chicken Egg

“Hello, Thank you so much for the wonderful email full of fabulous information that a City-girl turned Country-girl can appreciate! I have 10 hens each with names and

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