Culling Chickens – When Is It Time To Cull?

In all the issues of this newsletter, we’ve never discussed culling in any detail. Lately I’ve been receiving about 1 question per week from people who wonder if

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Keeping Egg Laying & Duel Purpose Hens Together…

“I have 12 brown egg layers, about a year old. I would like to get about 12 heavy’s soon. Can I keep them all together after about 4

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Egg Production In Hens – Is This Normal?

“I have 7 Ameraucana girls. They are very healthy and, I think very happy. However, they are only giving me an average of 5 eggs per day. I

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Do All Chickens Eat The Same Diet?

“We have a backyard flock 3-4 months old. Based on breed info available we can expect good egg laying potential from all of them and a variety of

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Chickens Digging Holes…

“Hi. I enjoy your newsletter very much. I am a fairly new chicken owner. I have 2 Rhode Island Red Hens. I don’t know if it is their

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Unusual Chicken Eggs – Small & Misshapen…

“We started keeping chickens about 1 year ago. We have 10 egg layers and they all seem to be doing well as we now get 7 to 10

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