Quick Fire Questions About Roosters

While we’re on the subject of roosters, I thought we’d take the time to answer some quick questions you all have sent that require short answers… “Do you

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How To Keep A Young Rooster From Crowing…

“Is there a way to limit a young rooster from crowing or is there anything that you can do to “condition or train” him from excessive crowing. He

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Feedback Re: Peeling Fresh Hard Boiled Eggs

Several of you wrote in with tips on peeling hard boiled eggs that are fresh after reading last week’s issue. Thank you all for your tips, some of

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Do Roosters Molt?

“Hi Wendy, Do roosters go through a period of molting? I have a beautiful Blue Lace Windot rooster that has lost his tail feathers first and then lots

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Keeping Chickens Whilst Pregnant

“We are new to keeping chickens and I have a question; is it safe for me to interact with my chickens when I am pregnant? We think we

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Chicken Egg Shell Not Separating From The Egg White

“Hi there, we seem to have a problem with our eggs when they are boiled the egg shells do not separate from the egg white, so we actually

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What Are Considered Organic Chicken Eggs?

“What are considered “Organic Eggs”? I am using Layer type pellet feed at the moment, I have never used antibiotics that I know of. I have used scratch

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Soft Shelled, Misshapen Shelled, or Eggs With No Shells

“One of our three chickens has started laying eggs without a shell. They’re in the sac and rather jelly like! I thought it was just a blip, but

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Cleaning Out The Chicken Coop

“I am a first time chicken owner. I would like to know about cleaning out the chicken coop. How often do you replace the shavings and scrub out

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