“Could you advise me how often you should worm chickens? I have just started keeping chickens and got some worming powder from the vet and used a very
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- Month: July 2009
“Could you advise me how often you should worm chickens? I have just started keeping chickens and got some worming powder from the vet and used a very
“I live in the north east U.S. and will soon be starting my first flock. I will be building my own coop and have plenty of land but
“In a recent article about food wastage, the response suggested this may occur as a result of boredom among hens. How would you suggest alleviating boredom? I try
“Hi, I have a Broody Bantam Hen. She has already hatched eggs and took care of the chicks until she decided they were old enough to be on
“Hi, it’s Drew here. I really enjoy your articles. I have 3 black cross Rhode Island Reds, 1 Campine pure bred which does not lay any eggs and
“I have recently got 3 chickens for the back garden and the man I bought them from said to use bark chips for the floor of the run,
“This is my first chicken venture. I bought 10 baby chicks 2 months back. They are now in the chicken yard with a coop. I have not gotten
“Is it best to buy fertilized eggs, newly hatched chicks or point of lay hens? Also, is it best to buy from a local farmer or from a
“Can you raise broilers and laying hens together? We haven’t kept chickens before and I want the broilers for meat but also want eggs. Some basic information on
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