Clipping Chicken Wings: Why, When & How

“At what age do you clip chicken wings? Thanks!” ~ Stephanie Francis Great question Stephanie. Before we address the “when” and the “how to”, let’s look at the

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Baby Chicken Health Concerns

This week in our basics series we’re going to address a few chick health concerns. If you order your chicks from a hatchery, often times, but not always,

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Chicken Pecking Order; Dealing With Aggressive Hens

We get a lot of questions about birds pecking at each other and what to do about it; when to intervene, when to let them work it out

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Chicken Grit; Grit for Baby & Adult Chickens

This week in our basics series, we’ll be discussing chicken grit, a necessary supplement for your chicks as well as your mature chickens. The need for grit varies

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Super Sized Eggs – Double or Triple Yolks

This week, I’d like to discuss a very unusual occurrence shared by reader, Sandy Elgert… “Dear Duncan and Wendy, I went to gather the last Thursday, and this

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Baby Chickens; Chick Care After Natural Hatchings

In the last few weeks we’ve been discussing the transition from incubator to brooding area for your newly hatched chicks. This week in our “Basics Series”, we’ll talk

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Free Ranging Chickens – Definition

How is “free range” defined? ~ David Helms. When I think of free range chickens, I get a very specific picture in my mind. Let me describe it

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Baby Chickens; Feed & Litter Material

Last week we covered your newly hatched chick’s need for water. This week we’ll move on to their feed and litter material. A chick will instinctively peck at

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Small Scale Hen Keeping – Reader Success

Hi Duncan and Wendy, Just thought that you’d be interested in my 4 Isa Brown Hens. Have had them since the beginning of February 09 and so far

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Baby Chickens; The Importance of Fresh Water

Second to heat, water is the most important thing your newly hatched chicks need and that is the topic for this week’s “Basics Series”. A few weeks ago

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