Chicken Mites & Lice – Prevention & Remedies

“I intend to keep chickens in 2009 for the first time in an area of the garden that has never had any poultry on it before and I

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Hatching Chicken Eggs Using Incubators – Part Two

So you’ve chosen your model and you have your incubator. You’ve decided where to locate it and you’ve thoroughly cleaned it. Now is the time to make sure

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Hatching Chicken Eggs Using Incubators

This week in our “Basics” series, we’ll talk about chicken egg incubators and what type would work best for you. There are incubators available for sale that will

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Common Chicken Keeping Questions

Each week I answer a readers question in this space. Sometimes I try to thoroughly answer a question a lot of people are asking. This week I’m going

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Hatching Eggs Using Broody Hens

I hope you all had a great week, let’s get started talking about broody hens. The easiest way to hatch eggs is to let your hen sit on

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Chicken Breeds for Specific Purposes

We get so many questions about breeds for specific purposes, I thought we’d take a look at that this week. Remember that age, nutrition, living conditions and individual

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Selecting & Storing Chicken Eggs For Hatching

In this issue, we’ll talk about selecting eggs to hatch, their care, handling and storage. If you will be purchasing fertile eggs, be sure to use a reputable

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